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Sex Crimes FAQ

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A sex crime conviction may have a lasting effect on your family, career, and reputation. If you’re being investigated or have already been charged, you will have many questions and could be unsure of what to do next. We can help. Attorney Elliot Silver has more than 20 years of legal experience. He can use his knowledge to help you fight these serious. Call Silver Law Firm today at (510) 995-0000.

  1. What is a sex crime?

    Any criminal offense that is based on compulsion for sexual gratification or sexual abuse is considered a sex crime. Some of the most common sex crimes in California include sexual assault and battery, indecent exposure, child molestation, lewd conduct, prostitution, rape, possession of child pornography, and failure to register as a sex offender.

  2. Will I have to register as a sex offender if I’m convicted of a sex crime in California?

    The Sex Offender Registration Act (Penal Code 290) requires anyone convicted of certain sex crimes to register as a sex offender. Those crimes include, but are not limited to, sexual assault and battery, rape, lewd acts with a minor, possession of child pornography, and indecent exposure. If you’ve been accused of a sex crime, attorney Elliot Silver can help you with a solid defense.

  3. How can being registered as a sex offender impact my life?

    If you are registered as a sex offender, you may lose the right to live anywhere within a certain distance of a school, daycare, park, or another area where children regularly gather. In addition, you may lose your professional license, find it difficult to keep or land a job, and ruin your reputation. You may also have restrictions on travel to foreign countries and a negative impact on your immigration status.

  4. How can a Certificate of Rehabilitation help me?

    A Certificate of Rehabilitation is a document that states you have been rehabilitated and are now considered a citizen who abides by the law. While it doesn’t clear your criminal record, it shows that your sex crime is in the past. It can prevent you from an automatic license denial and may relieve you of your duty to register as a sex offender.

    You may qualify for a Certificate of Rehabilitation if you’ve been a California resident for at least five years, have been living an “honest and moral” life for the past 10 years since your release from probation or parole, and there are no criminal charges pending against you.

  5. What is Megan’s Law?

    Megan’s Law requires the California Justice Department to notify the neighbors and businesses in the area that a sex offender has moved into their neighborhood and may be a public safety risk. If you are registered as a sex offender, your name, address, picture, date of incarceration, and crime information will be included in the notice and available for anyone to see on a public database.

  6. What is Jessica’s Law?

    When it was approved by California voters in 2006, Jessica’s Law prohibited all sex offenders from living within 2,000 feet of schools and other areas that children frequent. In 2015, Jessica’s Law was changed so that only high-risk sex offenders and those whose crimes involve children under age 14 are not allowed to live within 2,000 feet of schools. Other sex offenders may now be permitted to live in areas that were off limits in the past.

  7. What should I do if I’ve been falsely accused of a sex crime?

    In addition to hiring an attorney, if you’ve been falsely accused of as sex crime, you should gather any evidence that can help prove your innocence. This evidence may include voicemails, text messages, emails, or videos. You should also refrain from speaking to the individual who has accused you of the crime because doing so may further complicate your situation rather than improve it.

  8. Why hire a sex crime lawyer?

    If you’ve been accused of a sex crime, you should contact sex crime lawyer Elliot Silver right away. He will examine all of the evidence that is being presented against you and develop a strong defense to achieve the best possible outcome for your case. A sex crimes investigation can be complex, and you need an attorney who will make sure your rights are protected against police and prosecutors who want to see you rot in jail. With more than 20 years of legal experience, attorney Silver will work hard to help you during this difficult time.

Contact Silver Law Firm today at (510) 995-0000 for a free consultation.

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