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Oakland Criminal Defense Attorney
If you’ve been accused of a criminal offense in Oakland, California, your next call should be to Elliot Silver, an Oakland criminal defense lawyer with more than 24 years of experience defending people just like you. The Alameda County criminal justice system is complex, and Silver Law Firm will navigate it on your behalf, protecting your rights and working to have your charges reduced or dismissed.
Call Silver Law Firm today at (510) 995-0000 to schedule a confidential, free case consultation.
Sex Crimes
Some people would argue that having to register as a sex offender is worse than spending time in jail. The implications of sex offender registration are many and varied. Information about where you live will be posted online. You’ll have to report to police annually, within five days of moving, and if you change your name. If you decide to go to college – or work at a college, you need to report to campus police when you start and when you leave. That’s why, if you’ve been charged with a sex crime, it’s crucial that your first call is to Silver Law Firm. Elliot Silver is an Oakland criminal defense attorney who has vast experience going toe to toe with prosecutors, and who can work to resolve your case – whether by getting the charges dismissed or negotiating a plea deal to a lesser charge – in a way that doesn’t lead to a sex offender registration requirement.
Drug Crimes
California may have legalized cannabis, but the possession, sale, or transport of other types of drugs can result in felony charges. If convicted, you could a state prison sentence ranging from 16 months to nine years. That’s why, following a drug crimes arrest, you should call Oakland criminal defense attorney Elliot Silver. Silver Law Firm has the knowledge and experience to mount a vigorous legal defense on your behalf. They are well-equipped to poke holes in the prosecution’s case in order to get the charges dismissed or reduced.
Weapons Crimes
California weapons laws are complex. So are weapons charges. That’s why you need an experienced Oakland criminal defense lawyer like Elliot Silver at your side. If you have prior convictions for brandishing a weapon or assault with a deadly weapon, you may be facing a minimum jail sentence of three months. If you have a prior felony conviction, that minimum increases to 16 months. Silver Law Firm will provide you with a vigorous defense that can get the charges dismissed or reduced, or that can help you avoid jail time altogether.
Most California homicides are charged as manslaughter, but there’s are different types of manslaughter: voluntary, involuntary, and vehicular. Some are charged as felonies, but others are “wobblers,” meaning that they can be charged as either misdemeanors or felonies. A seasoned Oakland criminal defense attorney like Elliot Silver will do his best to ensure that you face the penalty that is least severe – whether you’re charged with manslaughter, second-degree murder, or first-degree murder. If you’re facing a homicide arrest, Silver Law Firm should be your first call.
Theft Crimes
There are many types of theft crimes in California; burglary and robbery are just two. If you’ve been charged with first-degree burglary, then law enforcement believes that you entered an inhabited place in order to steal something. First-degree robbery involves stealing from someone like a bus driver or someone using an ATM machine. If you’re convicted of these first-degree crimes, you could spend up to six years in prison. That’s why you need an experienced Oakland theft crimes attorney at your side. Elliot Silver is that attorney. Silver Law Firm will work tirelessly to have your charges reduced or dropped altogether.
If you’ve been arrested for DUI – whether for alcohol or other substances – then it’s time to call an Oakland DUI lawyer. Your driving privileges, your criminal record, and your car insurance are all on the line. Elliot Silver is an accomplished DUI attorney who can navigate California’s complex DUI laws. For example, while most drivers know that a blood alcohol content of .08 is considered impaired, fewer know that the level drops to .04 for those driving commercial vehicles or those being paid by a passenger – like Lyft and Uber drivers. Silver Law Firm can mount a defense that calls the case against you into question and possibly results in a dismissal, acquittal, or reduction in charges.
Whether you’ve been arrested for assault, battery, or sexual assault, time is not on your side. It’s imperative that you call Elliot Silver, an experienced Oakland assault attorney who can advocate for your rights and fight the allegations against you. Some assault and battery crimes can be charged as either misdemeanors or felonies, so it’s doubly important to have your Silver Law Firm attorney step in early in order to convince prosecutors to lessen the charges – or to have the charges dropped altogether.
Crimes Against the Public Peace
Crimes against the public peace cover a broad range of offenses, from disturbing the peace and inciting a riot to being too boisterous and not dispersing after being told to do so. Most of the time, these activities are charged as misdemeanors, but you still need legal representation to ensure that your rights are upheld and that you prevail or suffer the fewest consequences. Oakland criminal defense attorney Elliot Silver has your best interests at heart, and will use his wisdom and experience to secure a favorable outcome.
Kidnapping is more than holding someone for ransom. When tensions run high – say you get in an argument with your girlfriend and grab her son as you head out the door – that can be considered kidnapping. If you’ve been charged with kidnapping – whatever its form – you need a seasoned Oakland criminal defense attorney at your side. Elliot Silver is that lawyer. He will do everything within his power to get the charges reduced or dropped, or to obtain an acquittal should your case go to trial. You do not want to face the devastating consequences of a kidnapping conviction. You want to contact Silver Law Firm.
Property Crimes
A property crimes conviction in California can result in jail or prison time, hefty fines, and a rap sheet that will stay with you for the rest of your life. Elliot Silver is an Oakland property crimes lawyer you can leverage the resources of the Silver Law Firm to defend you against charges of burglary, arson, embezzlement, or forgery. The sooner that you can get an experienced attorney by your side, the more quickly he can get to work fighting on your behalf.
Traffic Offenses
Many California traffic offenses are serious. A reckless driving conviction can mean 90 days in jail and a $1,000 fine – along with a driver’s license suspension. A hit-and-run is considered a “wobbler,” and can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony. A skilled Oakland traffic crimes lawyer like Elliot Silver can leverage his experience to negotiate for lesser charges. If you’ve been arrested for a traffic offense, call Silver Law Firm as soon as possible.
Domestic Violence
California’s domestic violence laws cover activities directed at an intimate partner, but they also apply to elder abuse and child abuse. The punishments for all forms of domestic violence are severe, and can include jail time, mandatory anger management classes, and stiff fines. That’s why you need an Oakland domestic violence attorney like Elliot Silver to protect your interests and craft the best possible defense to fight the charges.
Juvenile Crimes
Kids are impulsive. They can’t always foresee the consequences of their actions. Sometimes, that leads to criminal acts like vandalism, drug use or possession, driving under the influence, or weapons charges. If your child has been arrested, you need to immediately call Oakland juvenile crimes attorney Elliot Silver. His experience in handling juvenile cases will enable him to negotiate with the prosecutor and, if necessary, craft a legal defense that will prevent a lapse in judgment from ruining your child’s life.
Federal Crimes
A state criminal conviction is life-altering, but a federal criminal conviction can mean even higher stakes. Regardless of the type of crime you’ve been accused of – whether it pertains to weapons, drugs, cybercrime, or child pornography – you deserve the type of defense only Oakland federal crimes attorney Elliot Silver can provide. Silver Law Firm goes to the mat for its clients, and will do everything possible to defend you against federal charges.
White Collar Crimes
White collar crimes aren’t violent, but the penalties can be just as severe. If you’ve been accused of a white collar crime – whether bribery, embezzlement, forgery, or insurance fraud – you need to retain an experienced Oakland white collar crime attorney now. The sooner you have Elliot Silver by your side, the sooner you can avoid the worst consequences of the charges. Silver Law Firm understands the nuances of white collar crime, and will leverage their knowledge to achieve the best outcome for your case.
Contact Silver Law Firm Today
If you or someone you love is facing criminal charges, then your next call should be to Oakland criminal defense attorney Elliot Silver. With more than 24 years of criminal defense experience, he can provide the kind of aggressive legal representation needed move past this chapter and resume the business of living. Call today for a free consultation – (510) 995-0000.