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Practice Areas

When Results Matter Most, Contact Silver Law Firm

In criminal cases around Oakland and its surrounding areas, the best thing you can do for yourself is seek out passionate and tenacious legal representation as soon as possible. When you delay, this gives the police, prosecutors, and other law enforcement agencies more time build their case.

If you’ve been charged with, or are being investigated for any crime, having Silver Law Firm by your side will prevent you from saying anything that might hurt your case. Elliot Silver will ensure that your rights are protected from illegal law enforcement tactics. If you are under investigation, attorney Silver may be able to halt the investigation without charges being filed.

Get started with one phone call or email. Call (510) 995-0000 or complete our online form to speak with attorney Silver and set up a free and confidential initial consultation to see how he can help.

Other Practice Areas

At Silver Law Firm, our focus is defending people in criminal matters; however, we are pleased to discuss any of your other legal needs and offer any assistance possible. If you have questions or concerns in the following areas, call our offices today.

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