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Sonoma County Criminal Defense Attorney

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Sonoma County’s criminal justice system can be intimidating, which is why you need the help of Silver Law Firm if you or a loved one is facing criminal charges. Sonoma County criminal defense lawyer Elliot Silver knows that you need – and deserve – a sterling defense. He’s prepared to deliver just that. If you are under investigation for or have been charged with a crime, your next call should be to the experienced Sonoma County criminal defense attorneys at Silver Law Firm. They have the skill and the wisdom to create the kind of defense that makes law enforcement and prosecutors back down.

Attorney Elliot Silver has more than two decades of experience representing clients who are facing criminal charges in Sonoma County.

He serves areas throughout Sonoma County, including:

  • Bodega Bay
  • Bodega
  • Cazadero
  • Cloverdale
  • Cotati
  • Duncan Mills
  • Forestville
  • Fort Ross
  • Freestone
  • Geyserville
  • Glen Ellen
  • Graton
  • Gualala
  • Guerneville
  • Healdsburg
  • Jenner
  • Kenwood
  • Monte Rio
  • Occidental
  • Penngrove
  • Petaluma
  • Rio Nido
  • Rohnert Park
  • Santa Rosa
  • Sebastopol
  • Sonoma
  • The Sea Ranch
  • Timber Cove
  • Valley Ford
  • Windsor

Call Silver Law Firm today at (510) 995-0000 to schedule a confidential, free case consultation.

Sex Crimes

Sex crime charges put your reputation on the line. They put your freedom on the line. A conviction for sex crimes can make it feel as though the life you have worked so hard to build is reduced to rubble. Having to register as a sex offender is something you want to avoid at all costs. Elliot Silver is a Sonoma County sex crimes attorney who can help you avoid the unthinkable. Silver Law Firm has the wisdom and experience to get sex crime charges reduced or even dismissed.

Drug Crimes

Even though recreational use of marijuana is now legal in California, the same does not hold true for other types of drugs. If you are convicted for the possession, transfer, or sale of other kinds of drugs, you could be charged with felony. If you are convicted of that felony, you could land in state prison for up to nine years. When you’re arrested for any type of drug crime, your first call should be to Sonoma County drug crimes attorney Elliot Silver. Silver Law Firm is well-equipped to mount a rigorous defense in your case, and to challenge the prosecution in order to get drug crimes charges dismissed or reduced.

Weapons Crimes

Weapons charges in California must be taken seriously. If you are convicted of weapons charges, you may be on the hook for a large fine and serious jail time. That’s why you should call Sonoma County weapons charges lawyer Elliot Silver if you’ve been arrested. He will use his experience to craft a thorough defense. As a result, your charges could be dismissed or reduced. Time is not on your side. Silver Law Firm is only a phone call away.


When it comes to the killing of another, California law provides for either first-degree murder charges or second-degree murder charges. First-degree murder charges are often filed when the death occurred in the commission of another crime or when a police officer died. The potential sentence is life without possibility of parole or even the death penalty. If you think you may be charged with homicide, you need Sonoma County criminal defense attorney Elliot Silver to represent you. The stakes are high, and your life maybe at stake.

Theft Crimes

In California, theft crimes are many and varied. They include everything from forgery to shoplifting, and from money laundering to robbery. A theft conviction can be serious. It can prevent you from getting certain types of jobs – like anything having to do with handling money – and can mean paying restitution and maybe even serving time in jail. Sonoma County theft crimes attorney Elliot Silver knows the nuances of theft crimes. Silver Law Firm will work day and night to have your charges dismissed or reduced, and to keep your reputation intact.


If you are arrested for a DUI in California, you could be charged with either a misdemeanor or felony. The crime you’re charged with depends upon your prior convictions, the circumstances surrounding your arrest, and the skill of your attorney. Elliot Silver is an experienced Sonoma County DUI lawyer who will fiercely advocate on your behalf. Silver Law Firm will do its best to get your charges reduced or dismissed. If a conviction is inevitable, we will do what we can to mitigate the penalties. For example, we can advocate for you to get permission to drive to and from school or work. Or, we can convince prosecutors to sign on to asking for probation instead of jail time. If you’ve been arrested for a DUI, time matters. The first call you make should be to Silver Law Firm.


Assault and battery crimes are usually charged as misdemeanors in California. However, felony charges can arise under some circumstances. It’s critical to make sure that you’re not charged with a felony if you’ve been arrested for battery or for assault. Elliot Silver is a Sonoma County criminal defense lawyer with a proven track record in helping clients beat assault and battery charges. Silver Law Firm can help you, by having the charges lessened, by having the charges dismissed, or by working out a plea agreement to a lesser offense.

Crimes Against the Public Peace

The U.S. Constitution protects freedom of assembly and freedom of speech, yet law enforcement personnel can quickly label peaceful protest as a riot. If you’ve been arrested for disturbing the peace, or for any other crime against the public peace, then you need a capable Sonoma County criminal defense attorney. Silver Law Firm has your best interests at heart, and Elliott Silver will work tirelessly to see to it that the charges against you are reduced or dismissed. You’ll be glad to have Elliot Silver by your side, fighting for your rights every step of the way.


In California, kidnapping encompasses more than the stereotypical abduction and ransom demand. It’s not uncommon for kidnapping charges to be filed when, for example, a domestic dispute gets out of hand and one partner grabs the other partner’s child and heads out the door. Whatever the circumstances surrounding your arrest, to fight kidnapping charges you need the best legal representation possible. Elliot Silver is an accomplished Sonoma County criminal defense lawyer who will pull out all of the stops in order to mount the most rigorous defense possible. You don’t have time to waste. You need to call Silver Law Firm as soon as possible.

Property Crimes

Time is of the essence if you’ve been accused of any type of property crime. Arson, identity theft, burglary, and receiving stolen property are all examples of property crimes. You should call Elliot Silver, a veteran Sonoma County property crimes lawyer who will advocate on your behalf. He will work to prevent you from going to jail or prison, paying large fines, and paying restitution. Silver Law Firm is dedicated to serving defendants, and will navigate the criminal justice system on your behalf.

Traffic Offenses

Most people go through life never needing an attorney who is experienced in traffic law. But if you are the one arrested for a traffic offense in California, you need a Sonoma County criminal defense lawyer by your side. Whether the charge is driving under the influence, reckless driving, or leaving the scene of an accident, Elliot Silver is the attorney who can help you. Silver Law Firm has a track record of helping clients avoid license suspensions, fines, and even jail time. Don’t risk a misdemeanor or felony conviction. Call Silver Law Firm for help.

Domestic Violence

If you have been charged with domestic violence, you may think that it is the worst thing that could happen to you. There are times, though, when domestic violence is just the first criminal charge. Rape, bodily injury, threats, and battery are charges that might come later. Penalties for those kinds of convictions can vary. You may, for example, serve jail or prison time, pay up to $10,000 in fines, and pay for the other person’s medical expenses. That’s why, if you’ve been charged with domestic violence, it’s imperative that you contact Elliot Silver, a skilled and seasoned Sonoma County domestic violence attorney. Silver Law Firm will do everything in its power to prevent the worst case scenario from coming to fruition, and ensure that you receive the best possible legal defense.

Juvenile Crimes

Children and teens have a hard time understanding that actions have consequences. As a result, they can get into trouble. Perhaps they’ve been caught vandalizing school property. Maybe they have been seen using drugs or alcohol. It could be that they’ve been nabbed on a weapons charge. Whatever the crime, your child deserves the best possible defense. That’s why your first call should be to Silver Law Firm. Sonoma County juvenile crimes attorney Elliot Silver has extensive experience in handling juvenile cases carefully and effectively. He wants what is best for your child, just as you do.

Federal Crimes

The Feds do not fool around when it comes to crime. They come down hard on defendants. For example, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives becomes intimately involved in weapons-related charges. The Drug Enforcement Administration steps in and and gets involved in drug-related cases. The U.S. Justice Department has a prominent role in money laundering, cybercrime, and human trafficking cases, among others. If the federal government is coming after you, you need Elliot Silver. He is a Sonoma County federal crime lawyer with a stellar track record representing clients who have been accused of federal crimes. He will go the extra mile for you, and be at your side every step of the way.

White Collar Crimes

Any criminal conviction is life altering, but white collar crime convictions can turn your life upside down. Your ability to make a living can be impacted – forever. You can be ostracized from your social circles – forever. You can face enormous fines and be on the hook for restitution. And you can go to prison. That’s why you should call Elliot Silver, a Sonoma County white collar crime lawyer who can defend against extortion, forgery, fraud, and identity theft charges, among others. Time is of the essence. Contact Silver Law Firm in order to lay the groundwork for a sound defense.

Contact Silver Law Firm Today

Sonoma County criminal defense attorney Elliot Silver has experience representing clients accused of any of these crimes. If you’re under investigation or have been arrested, your next call should be to Silver Law Firm. Call (510) 995-0000 today for a complimentary legal consultation.


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