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Personal Injury

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Suffering from a Personal Injury? Silver Law Firm Can Deliver Maximum Recovery

Being injured at the hands of another – even when the injury is unintentional – can lead to weeks, months, or even a lifetime of suffering. The immediate medical help you need can give way to long-term care. Your injuries can cause you to work. They may prevent you from ever working again. It’s possible to need modifications to your home and vehicle to make them accessible to you. The bottom line? You don’t have a crystal ball. The needs you have today might not be the needs you have tomorrow, next year, or ten years from now.

That’s where Silver Law Firm can help. Our Bay Area personal injury attorneys’ extensive experience advocating for clients who have been injured means that we are in a position to help you get the compensation you deserve for the injuries you’ve suffered. Compensation can take many forms. It can pay for your medical expenses. It can pay for the wages you don’t earn – both now and in the future. It can pay for ongoing nursing care. It can pay for making your surroundings accessible. Compensation can also encompass punitive damages, which make the other person or entity pay for their negligence.

The reality is that those that are responsible for compensating you for your injuries – insurance companies, big businesses, and government agencies – will do everything within their power to pay you as little as possible. Silver Law Firm’s Bay Area personal injury attorneys are dedicated to fighting for you in order to recover the MAXIMUM compensation possible.

Discover how Silver Law Firm can help those in the Bay Area who are injured as a result of:

Car Accidents: You have a path to compensation. It doesn’t matter whether the Bay Area accident was caused by driver negligence or error, an automotive defect, or a poorly maintained highway.

Truck Accidents: An accident with a semi-trailer is almost always series. There are a number of possible responsible parties that can be pursued in a personal injury lawsuit.

Motorcycle Accidents: Motorcycle accidents often result in tremendous current and future medical expenses. You deserve compensation for those expenses, as well as for lost wages and emotional trauma.

Bike Accidents: Distracted drivers and ever-larger vehicles pose ever-increasing risks to bicyclists. You deserve compensation for your injuries, your pain, and your suffering. Silver Law Firm holds those at fault accountable.

Bus Accidents: You are trusting the driver to safely deliver you to your destination. If that doesn’t happen, then the responsible parties must pay. Silver Law Firm can ensure that they do.

Slip and Fall: A slip or a fall happens in a split second, but the injuries sustained from a slip or fall can have a lasting impact on your life. You deserve compensation for your injuries.

The loss of a loved one is unimaginable. Losing a loved one due to another’s negligence is unconscionable. We respect your sadness and grief while relentlessly pursuing economic redress from those responsible.

Manufacturers know that some of their products don’t pass muster and can injure consumers. That’s why they have teams of lawyers to fight consumer lawsuits. Silver Law Firm’s Bay Area personal injury attorneys go toe-to-toe with those lawyers to get the compensation you deserve.

Defective Drugs: There are prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, and medical devices on the market that are blatantly unsafe. The injuries you suffer are real, and manufacturers must be held accountable.

The clock is ticking. There’s a statute of limitations for filing suit in Bay Area personal injury cases. Don’t wait – call Silver Law Firm today for a free, no-obligation case evaluation.

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