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Recalls and Defective Products

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Make Manufacturers Pay for Recalled and Defective Products

We’d like to believe that the federal Consumer Product Safety Commission has our back, protecting us from hazardous products that can lead to serious injury or death. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. The federal government’s patchwork approach to consumer safety means that defective products injure countless people each year.

While the Consumer Product Safety Commission does oversee some products, the following agencies oversee others:

  •     U.S. Department of Agriculture: Responsible for eggs, meat, and poultry
  •     U.S. Food and Drug Administration: Responsible for food products, animal food products, drugs, tobacco, cosmetics, alcohol, and medical products
  •     National Highway Transportation Safety Administration: Responsible for motor vehicles, tires, and car seats

At any given time, there are hundreds of products that are under recall. These can range from ductless heat pumps to infant car seats to automotive tires. A child’s nightgown may violate federal flammability standards, a chest of drawers may easily tip over and entrap children, or a golf cart may be prone to catching fire.

If you have been injured by a defective product, you deserve to be compensated. You need a Bay Area defective product attorney by your side who will go toe-to-toe with the parties at fault and achieve the best possible outcome for you. Your attorney will conduct a thorough investigation to determine the responsible parties – manufacturers, wholesalers, distributor, or retailers – and either negotiate a settlement or go to trial on your behalf.

In order to prevail in a California product liability suit, your Bay Area defective product attorney must prove that you were harmed by a product that contained a manufacturing defect, was defectively designed, or did not contain sufficient instructions or a warning of potential safety hazards. In addition to product liability charges, your attorney may accuse those at fault of negligence, breach of contract, and breach of warranty.

You can help your case by seeking medical attention for your injuries, so that a medical record exists that substantiates your claim. It is helpful to have photographic evidence of your injuries and of the defective product. Writing down exactly what happened as soon as possible after it happened can also bolster your case.

The most important thing to remember is that Silver Law Firm is on your side. Manufacturers and suppliers have teams of lawyers that are dedicated to fighting lawsuits brought by consumers who have been injured by their products. We don’t give up. We’re committed to recovering every penny possible from those who are responsible for your injuries, and won’t charge you a dime unless we win.

Because California has a statute of limitations for product liability claims, time is of the essence. Call Silver Law Firm today for a free, no-obligation case evaluation. We’ll give you a frank assessment of your chances for recovery, and walk you through the step-by-step process for holding manufacturers accountable.

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