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Criminal Defense

Is DUI a Felony?

11.12.2018 in Criminal Defense, DUI

If you, a family member, or a friend has been arrested for driving under the influence in California, you may be asking yourself, “Is DUI a felony?” The short answer is, “It depends.” Whether a…

What Should I Do if I Am Arrested?

02.11.2018 in Criminal Defense

It may never cross your mind to ask, “What should I do if I am arrested?” You may think that getting arrested only happens to other people, and won’t happen to you. If so, it’s…

When Should I Call a Criminal Lawyer?

27.09.2018 in Criminal Defense

If you find yourself asking, “When should I call a criminal lawyer?”, chances are that the answer is, “Now.” The issue of whether or not to call a criminal lawyer isn’t the same as being…

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